C. J. Casselgren, A. S. Asratian, P. Petrosyan

A graph G interval colorable if it has a proper edge coloring with colors 1,2,3,... such that the colors of the edges incident to every vertex of G form an interval of integers. Not all graphs are interval colorable; in fact, quite few families have been proved to admit interval colorings.

We introduce and investigate a new notion, the interval coloring thickness of a graph G, which is the minimum number of interval colorable edge-disjoint subgraphs of G whose union is G.
Our investigation is motivated by scheduling problems with compactness requirements, in particular, problems whose solution may consist of several schedules, but where each schedule must not contain any waiting periods or idle times for all involved parties.
We prove that every connected properly $3$-edge colorable graph with maximum degree 3 is interval colorable, and using this result, we deduce an upper bound on the interval coloring thickness of a general graph. We demonstrate that this upper bound can be improved in the case when G is bipartite, planar or complete multipartite.

Keywords: edge coloring, interval edge coloring, compact scheduling, timetabling


FD1 Graphs and Networks 4
June 11, 2021  2:45 PM
1 - GB Dantzig

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