M. G. Speranza, A. Mor, J. Viegas

Urban distribution usually requires vehicles to stop at roadside for the driver to perform the last leg of the delivery by foot. The stops take place in designated areas, called loading/unloading (L/U) areas. In this paper, a booking system for the management of the L/U areas is studied as a way to eliminate double parking. In the proposed system,
distributors book in sequence according to their preferences, but subject to the bookings that have already been placed. The implementation of the system requires the solution of a variant of the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows. The booking system is compared with the current use of the L/U areas.

Keywords: Freight distribution, Routing, Traveling Salesman Problem


FD3 Logistics, Transportation and Distribution Planning 2
June 11, 2021  2:45 PM
3 - TC Koopmans

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